Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by Dexter »

I don't ever remember actually seeing people from PNG.
Liuaki was the only one though, I didn't see any other PNG-ians at BCF.
A larger group of PNGers visited Brisbane in the mid 90s. I don't know if they traveled to other areas as well. As far as I know that's the only time an extended group visited from PNG. That Liuaki fellow spoke a few times in Brisbane over the years.
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by Seeker »

Yes, the poor plebs here also had to suffer..er, sit, through the Vic shaming session on how the poor P&G'rs have to walk 7 days to get to a meeting....and here we are, just ungrateful slobs who can't even drive 30 miles in the evening to spend another hour listening to how fallen, sick and carnal we still are after all the years Vic has spent sacrificing his life and needs for us simple, stoopid people. When will we eve learn???
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