The Heresy of the Christian Fellowship and Pope Vic Halls' teachings.

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Faith Hopegood
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The Heresy of the Christian Fellowship and Pope Vic Halls' teachings.

Post by Faith Hopegood »

I was reading about some Protestant history the other day and I came across this gem. It is an analysis of the dispute between the fledgling reformers such as Luther and Zwingli and what the Anabaptists believed. It is very instructional and appears that Pope Victor has lifted a few pages of teachings straight out of the Anabaptist beliefs (as well as introducing a form of papacy from the Catholic Church).

"Zwingli’s view of the church is inclusive not exclusive: “The root of the trouble is that the Anabaptists will not recognise any Christians except themselves or any Church except their own. And that is always the way with sectarians who separate themselves on their own authority”

Does this sound familiar? For me it is nearly word for word what has been spoken directly to me by BCF elders and what has been preached from the BCF pulpit for years. How many times have we (people who have left the Christian Fellowship) been told "your salvation will be in jeopardy if you leave" or "you are walking away from salvation if you leave BCF" and attend another church.

These are the undisputed facts and actions of the Christian Fellowship:
1. The Christian Fellowship will not recognise any Christians or any Church except themselves - they believe they are a "better class" of Christians (ungodly spirit of pride) and all the other Christian churches don't really know what they are talking about because BCF has a "special revelation of revealed word". They openly mock other Christian churches from the pulpit.

2. The Elders and congregation of the Christian Fellowship separate themselves on their own authority - they do not relate to any other church and they to no allow a critical examination of their "special revelation/present word teachings". They do not mix with any other christians and any other christian churches at all!

3. The Christian Fellowship would appear not to believe the foundational protestant christian tenet of "Salvation by Faith Alone" but, like the Catholic Church of old, have to add "works" and a few extra hoops to jump through to ensure one's salvation. BCF has also reinstated the Catholic belief of inserting an intermediary man (elder) between God and man - ie The Pope.

All these things I have seen the elders of BCF do with my own eyes. The only conclusion we can come to, is they are teaching agnostic heresy.
Paul Kovaks
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Re: The Heresy of the Christian Fellowship and Pope Vic Halls' teachings.

Post by Paul Kovaks »

Yes Faith, this is what they implied, said and preached.

It's just plain nuts.

What they did was took some great teachings to themselves and made themselves the origin and master of it.

And even at the local level MANY of the local elders would treat their own enclave the same way: I'm boss and have to be expert at everything.

They were supposed to be BUILDING us up to serve and minister (Eph). But we could never contribute something that was worthwhile unless we were quoting them or their books.
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Re: The Heresy of the Christian Fellowship and Pope Vic Halls' teachings.

Post by robocop »

2. The Elders and congregation of the Christian Fellowship separate themselves on their own authority - they do not relate to any other church and they to no allow a critical examination of their "special revelation/present word teachings". They do not mix with any other christians and any other christian churches at all!
Thanks Faith - looking back to the mid to late 70's in Brisbane when Vic/Alex/Barlow used to attend the Ministers fraternal in Brisbane monthly; then suddenly it was all cancelled. We were fed the line that BCF had pulled out because of heresies the others were teaching - but I think now that the others may have separated themselves from Vic & Co because of THEIR teachings.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: The Heresy of the Christian Fellowship and Pope Vic Halls' teachings.

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Yes I remember hearing these types of things too. At one time the CF elders were attending local ministers fraternal meetings and then it suddenly stopped. This happened in lots of regional centres too. Yes, it could have been either way either the CF elders stopped going or the local ministers fraternal withdrew from meeting with CF guys. Pretty sure it was the first option though and the CF elders made up lots of excuses as to why, however it boils down to this fact - the teachings of the Christian Fellowship have deviated more and more from the true Christian message.

If we take a step back and have a look at the reasons why this deviation occurred and also have a look at other groups who don't attend the local ministers fraternal.

As the christian fellowship started/continued with agnostic teachings and began to add more and more of their own interpretations to the bible, what they were foundationally teaching ceased to become the bible message and morphed into some other poisonous brew. Little extra teachings, rules and laws were added along the way. A ceaseless stream of special revelation words and pronouncements from Pope Victor were added to the word of God and thus the CF teachings no longer were the true word of god but something quite different and what they now believe is no really the word of God, but a Present Truth and Present Word and Special Revelation.

Another thing to look at is the types of churches or quasi christian groups who have withdrawn and do not attend the protestant ministers fraternal meetings. The list is a motley group. Some of these non-attendees are: The Exclusive Brethren, The Cooneyites, the Jehovahs Witnesses, The Church of Jesus Christ and Later Day Saints (Mormons), The Seventh Day Adventists, The Apostolic Church and possibly the Baptists. There are probably more but I think you get the drift. All these groups claim to have a "Special Word" and want to be seperate from other christian churches and all of them probably teach that they are a better class of Christians and only their group has the proper version of The Truth. Only their leaders have the special revelations. Quite a few of these groups commonly practice shunning of family and others who have left them. The Christian Fellowship sadly falls into this illustrious group and thus we can clearly see what group and what type of word the CF is with.

Pope Victor and Ray Jackson Snr were/are not special men, they are cult leaders who have all the characteristics of the above denominations and have led their sheep astray.
Faith Hopegood
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Pope Victor I and medieval catholic teachings sans Mary and Elements

Post by Faith Hopegood »

If you want an example of how close the Christian Fellowship teachings are to medieval catholic theology, consider the following:

Does Pope Victor teach there is Salvation by Faith alone? Or does he teach another gospel?
He teaches another gospel, because, as we all know, Pope Vic the First and his other bishops, preach and teach: “for you to have salvation you must have absolute and unswaying obedience of the messenger (the pope) and also absolute belief in the Present Word (papal infallibility)”. If you doubt any of these things or question any teachings or disagree with any word that proceeds from the mouth of an elder or delegated minion, then you will be told that you are in rebellion to God and thus your salvation is in danger.

Pope Vic teaches you must do actions (which are works) in order to achieve salvation as designated by him. He does because he is not really interested in your salvation, he is interested in CONTROL. Vic loses control over his congregation if they find out they are set free in Christ and don’t have to jump through any more hoops for salvation. These hoops are put in place by Vic and his minions.

Consider this, how is Vic’s teaching any different from the Catholics selling indulgences?
There is always an expectation that you will be unswervingly obedient to Vic and his minions. You will always contribute $$ to the latest building designated papal building program. If you don’t contribute enough or at all, you will be hauled over the coals and you will be counselled and told your salvation is again in doubt because you were not obedient to the messenger/present word. There is always another hurdle to jump, another working bee to attend, another Regional Building Study to attend, and you never have any reassurance of salvation under Vic’s lash because your salvation in BCF is dependent upon continued good works. BCF theology is not because of Sola Scriptura, it is essential medieval roman catholic doctrine depending upon the combination of tradition handed down, endless turgid pamphlets, mixed with a little bit of shoe horned scripture and latest pronouncements of Vic. When he exhausts one area of turgidity, he moves on to another. The only things missing are the veneration of Mary, purgatory, and the belief that the communion elements actually become body and blood of Christ again. (although some would say living under Vic's rule is purgatory on earth!)
Paul Kovaks
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Re: The Heresy of the Christian Fellowship and Pope Vic Halls' teachings.

Post by Paul Kovaks »

Yep, not a long bow to draw Faith re indulgences..

These guys are in big trouble.

Have I told you all about the vision my father had of the leadership in 2012 (but didn't tell me until 2017)? He saw the elders, with long flowing hair and gowns, CHAINED together sitting side-by-side in coal carts heading down into a dark abyss. They were wearing INVERTED crowns thrust over their heads down to their necks like MILLSTONES.

The sooner they come to their sense the better.

I'm hearing more and more stories of people leaving.

We need to keep it up! People are listening.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: The Heresy of the Christian Fellowship and Pope Vic Halls' teachings.

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Thanks for sharing Paul. That is certainly a very vivid vision had about the CF Elders and it does not surprise me. Sometimes God speaks to us in profound ways.

The thing is this - the more I read about the facts and critically analyse the teachings and doctrine (and mainly the actions) of the Christian Fellowship elders, the more we can see they are deviating away from proper Christian teachings on faith, grace and salvation.

It is very very sad to see what they are doing to people and the wrong dangerous path they are leading people down. Former elder Raymond Guyatt reportedly told Vic that Vic was teaching wrong doctrine and look what happened to Ray - he got the right boot of fellowship straight out the door of BCF as well as being cut off from the fellowship. Just disgraceful.

Another signalling factor of these elders is to have a look at the fruit the bear and the actions they do, not just their words. They practice shunning, dividing families, talking behind peoples backs and discrediting them. All very nasty stuff and this is the reality of life at the high levels of the Christian fellowship. People never leave the fellowship with a blessing, it is always a curse of bad tidings that the elders and leaders speak over anyone who tells them they don't want to fellowship with them any more.
Faith Hopegood
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Rubbish condemning teachings

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Have a look at the latest rubbish that is direct to you from the BCF website. Talk about using fear and condemnation to control people.


The account of the fall of mankind teaches us that shame is not simply the emotions of embarrassment or regret that are associated with errant behaviour. Shame is the consequence of a person’s disconnection from the life of God and their predestined name, which are only found in fellowship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is the evidence that mankind has quantifiably lost something. As such, shame is an indelible trait of fallen human nature.
People are ashamed because of their loss of unity with God and with others. Because they are ashamed, fallen men and women engage in all manner of activities to conceal their fear. However, fear should be a true motivation for repentance, causing them to turn to the Lord so that they can receive His word and be reconnected with Him. In this fellowship, the nakedness of their disconnection from the word of their sonship can be properly addressed. As the psalmist wrote, ‘May my heart be blameless [complete; or having integrity] in Your statutes [word], so that I will not be ashamed’. Psa 110:80.

Vic Hall is such a rat cunning man. You can see the angle/lever that the BCF elders will use with this "Word Preached". The elders will say something mean, critical, condemning (and probably untrue) and then they will say if you feel shame or have emotions to what they accuse you of then you are disconnected from "the life of God". Of course in BCF speak, the only way for you to "be connected to the Life of God" is to blindly submit to the Christian Fellowship elders (who are now an ungodly intermediary between Christ and man). The elders will then swoop in like a seagull on a dead fish and get you under their control by saying that you must submit and obey to them in every way and they will examine every part of your life to check for any hint of rebelliousness, sin, unsubmission to BCF leaders etc etc the list goes on and on. The BCF leaders will have you under the microscope constantly using this ungodly heretical preaching as their justification.

The only thing this type of preaching leads to, is people coming under more and bondage and losing freedom in Christ. This type of preaching leads to long lasting condemnation and damage in a person. CF people are lead to believe they can somehow attain some higher plane of christian life and belief in God if they follow minutely the instructions of these wicked wicked leaders. You will be told that only the Christian Fellowship has this "specially revealed word of God" and all other Christians and Christian churches are not listening to God. They would have you believe, that out of the millions of Christians around the world, only Vic Hall (and his adulterous predecessor, Ray Jackson Snr) have had this "special revelation" revealed to them by God! The Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses also believe exactly this same thing.

My advice to BCF congregation members is start praying to God yourself, openly and freely. Do not pray prayers of condemnation or disaster upon yourselves. Do not have the fatalist attitude that pervades BCF peoples lives. Ask God to open your eyes to His wonderful life and salvation which is a life free of condemnation and full of blessing. Start reading your bible, in particular the New Testament, and also use well respected biblical commentaries as your guide and cease using the heretical pamphlets and booklets that are endlessly produced by the BCF printshop. Koorong is your friend here!

Remember, Vic Hall and Brisbane Christian Fellowship are a gnostic cult, not a christian "special" denomination.
Boundary Rider
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Re: The Heresy of the Christian Fellowship and Pope Vic Halls' teachings.

Post by Boundary Rider »

You are right on the money, Faith. :D ;)

Well done!

Paul Kovaks
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Re: The Heresy of the Christian Fellowship and Pope Vic Halls' teachings.

Post by Paul Kovaks »

Yep, more of the same stuff we experienced 1992-2016. It's the same every week for 25+ years.

Elders instead of Christ to make it more 'grounded'. But instead it made it MORE mystical!

When we left in 2016 the encouragement at the Friday morning prayer group I attended (which Ray Jackson Jnr attended incidentily) was to pray with the hope of confirmation by songs and prophecies the following Sunday morning. Occasionally Ray would mention which prayers were lining up with Sunday confirmations. I pointed out in an email to the 12 or so people at that meeting that those pairs of prayers/prophecies ALWAYS pertained to Vic's current teachings. I asked WHY God would want us to keep talking about the same thing all the time. And was there any point praying something at that 6am meeting outside of Vic's current word? Was there any point? How horrific I said to Ray.

That same year I told off our lovely Wed night homegroup leaders for hosting an entire night where everyone tore themselves to shreds in front of everyone rubbishing all their interests and careers. IN front of my children who were planning their careers! Their grandfather rubbishing his entire career. Lovely people describing how hopeless they were despite they actually being accomplished teachers, administrators, musicians, carers and engineers and scientists.

I told them in an email they were sick and lost in direction.

I was banned from the home group. We left within 2 months.
Last edited by Paul Kovaks on Sun Dec 16, 2018 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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