
Spiritual or Earthy?? You be the judge.
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Post by BreakFree »

Dear Friends,

I want to share my experience of being indoctrinated from birth. Since becoming a parent myself I carry a great sadness for the innocent children who have to go through the Sonseeker program. Sonseeker is the CF version of Sunday School which is a curriculum Vic has written with his twisted theology for children. The program presents God as a very angry person like being who wants to punish you for every time you do something wrong. It walks through the bible but always circles back to the idea God is a cruel task master waiting to punish you or the idea you God determines if you are in the in crowd (predestined) or not. You are left forever questioning if you are loved and accepted. Doesn't matter what you do if God has predestined you to be on the outer then tough luck.

It breaks my heart now as I think about my relationship with my child and the love we have, that there are still children who are terrified because they believe that 'god' is just waiting to rain hell fire down on them.

Being born into the fellowship I went through the program 6 times before I became a teenager and went into high school: the break down is as follows
2-3 year olds
3-4 year olds
5-6 year olds
7-8 year olds
9-10 year olds
11-12 year olds

I am sorry for any parents who read this and feel a tremendous amount of guilt for subjecting their children to this. My advice is to appoligise to them and provide whatever support they need to heal.

For people who also had this inflicted upon them, be kind to yourself as you heal. Promise yourself that if you have children that you will never subject them to the same abuse that was inflicted upon you.

I have made the choice to allow my parents access to their grandchild despite still being in the CF. It has not been a free pass for them. I set very strong boundaries and to their credit they have respected them. But I understand the difficulty of this decision for parents wanting to protect their own children.
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Re: Sonseekers

Post by Dexter »

The fact that you are able to make your own decisions and set your own boundaries astounds me. I look forward to experiencing and abiding in that kind of freedom.

Good on you for allowing your parents access to their grandkids. We all know the opposite is true when the grandparents are on the outside.

One thing I remember learning from Sunday school lessons was that I had to be exactly like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, or whoever we were learning about that week. I wish they'd just taught me to be myself lol.

I used to teach Sonseekers and didn't feel like it was too indoctrinating, although I may have just had a less demanding approach, or maybe I was just blind to it.
👋 :ugeek:
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