Updating Vic Hall's Latest Heresies

Spiritual or Earthy?? You be the judge.
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Re: Updating Vic Hall's Latest Heresies

Post by Lillith »

One of the last BS booklets from this year stated that those who’ve left the CF church are “betrayers and offenders which can lead to treachery as well.”
We are also names as Devils/Satans as in “ get thee behind me Satan”- the response Jesus gave because Peter thought he knew better. So of course we who have left think we know better than the presbytery.
Re “compromised culture”-
How each family interprets a culture difference would vary I guess. In our family, an example would be that unmarried couples would not be offered a room together.
Although some friends of many dozens of years have cut me off, I’m very fortunate that family are not actually shunned in our household.I don’t know that as yet there’s an across the board shunning policy.
I am grieved beyond the ability to express my hatred of the shunning of family.
My CF family says “you’re only hearing half of the story”.
I believe there is no other 1/2 of the story when it comes to shunning family!!
The biggest thing is speaking against the CF. This would make us offenders and would definitely be responded to by divorce or shunning.
My relationship with CF family has been compromised, I’ve been told and can only be maintained if nothing negative is said about the church.
Much love to all those who’s family have shunned them.
May you know the comfort of the Divine Love. 💞💞💞
Faith Hopegood
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Re: Updating Vic Hall's Latest Heresies

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Hi Lillith,

Thank you for sharing your post. Quick question. Do you have a copy of that booklet you are referring to? or a link where we can find it? Of if another reader can post a scan or a link.

Whilst I don't want to trigger people or open old wounds, I think it would be beneficial to be able to read what Vic is currently writing so that it can be examined, critically analysed and then a proper rebuttal/defence published to allow people to see the contrast between Vic's writings (a lot of which are just made-up or heresy or plain dangerous) and a proper loving Christian Gospel perspective offered.

Faith Hopegood.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: Updating Vic Hall's Latest Heresies

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Hi Lillith and all Streetcar readers.

I was deeply saddened in my heart (although not surprised) to read that Vic Hall has been writing booklets with these things:
One of the last BS booklets from this year stated that those who’ve left the CF church are “betrayers and offenders which can lead to treachery as well.”
We are also names as Devils/Satans as in “ get thee behind me Satan”- the response Jesus gave because Peter thought he knew better. So of course we who have left think we know better than the presbytery.
As I pondered this type of thinking and behaviour, I was struck in a flash by the reality that - if Vic Hall spending so much writing booklets containing this poison and then no doubt spending huge amounts of time preaching on, speaking at regional bible studies, leadership and home groups etc then how much time is he NOT spending on preaching the wonderful loving redeeming gospel of Christ which brings life to our lives!

No, it is self-evident where Vic Halls heart is at. What is in the heart comes out the mouth. If Vic is writing about treachery and betrayal, then he must be thinking of this all the time.

It also means he is not thinking about preaching Christ, leading people to Christ and setting people free!
Helen Pomery
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Re: Updating Vic Hall's Latest Heresies

Post by Helen Pomery »

those who’ve left the CF church are “betrayers and offenders which can lead to treachery as well.”

I am one among many who have been labelled “betrayers and offenders”.

When I was expelled in 2001, I was plagued by the awful accusations and judgements the elders levelled at me.

I kept asking myself

”Am I the sum total of what these men are saying about me?”

“Do I have any worth or am I just trash to be discarded?”

God answered those questions by reminding me that “I am accepted in the Beloved”.

If Jesus loves me and gave His life for me even as a sinner, then I can discount the slanderous accusations from the elders at BCF.

To anyone who is suffering condemnation, please know it matters little what these mere men think of you!

What God says about us is all that we cling to.

To Him, “ we are accepted in the Beloved”.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: Updating Vic Hall's Latest Heresies

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Lillith, I just had another thought with respect to Vic Hall mentioned this in a book.
One of the last BS booklets from this year stated that those who’ve left the CF church are “betrayers and offenders which can lead to treachery as well.”
We are also names as Devils/Satans as in “ get thee behind me Satan”- the response Jesus gave because Peter thought he knew better. So of course we who have left think we know better than the presbytery.
In his usual narcissistic gaslighting way, Vic Hall has conveniently omitted the facts that people like himself and David Falk absolutely abused a lot of people with some shocking very unChristian treatment- verbal abuse, manipulation to get peoples resources with threats etc. David Falk was quite overt when he did this. Vic Hall was very very aware of his behaviour from the start because Falk used to be based in Brisbane at the Indooroopilly CF Outreach for many years.

So Vic Hall, when writing this, just uses a general label of "betrayer and offender" for all people who left the Fellowship after being abused and then proceeds to gaslight all those who have left as being participating in some form of dreadful treachery against him. Completely ignoring that the main reason people left was they were sick of being constantly abused and used by men who said they were Christian leaders.

This type of behaviour of blaming those who left as being unworthy and completely to blame for everything is the same behaviour we saw in Hitler as he sat in his bunker in Berlin as the Allied armies surrounded him. He said that the German people were unworthy and had betrayed him and thus, like all narcissists would rather let the place burn down and everyone in it rather than apologise for wrongs. Falk was the same. I remember him having a spray at the congregation one day that they were unworthy and that he we let the place collapse around them!

No, Vic Hall is not a true Christian leader or modern day apostle or star messenger of any kind. His fruits (and the fruits of his other hand picked leaders) betray him and advertise to the world at large what motivates him, and it is not love for the sheep or a desire to protect the flock and see them lead to Christ. Sadly the congregation somewhat have spiritual blindness and scales over their eyes with respect to this matter. If they only read their bibles properly and let the scriptures speak to them and rigorously studied the word (not using Vic Halls booklets as a filter guide) then they too would have the scales of their eyes opened, and they would see that those who left, particularly those who sought out other Christian Churches, are true lovers of God and Christ and not "treacherous betrayers and offenders.". They would see that the people who left had started to see the contradictions between what behaviour the bible is teaching and the contradictory negative teaching and behaviour of CF leaders who excused bad behaviour and bad fruit.

Love to all this Christmas Season as we celebrate the birth of the Saviour of The World who came to redeem us from sin.

Faith Hopegood.
Helen Pomery
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Re: Updating Vic Hall's Latest Heresies

Post by Helen Pomery »

Thank you Faith, I’m adding a quote to this discussion from Alistair Begg’s book: ‘The Christian Manifesto’
The Blind Leading the Blind

“Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?” Luke 6:39

There is no such thing as spiritual neutrality:

A teacher is always teaching either truth or error - there is nothing in between. And the test of sight is not whether you are nice or compelling or popular or smart. It is whether a teacher is teaching the Bible or not.

People who speak falsehood about religious or existential matters are not benign; they are dangerous.

They are at their most dangerous when they stand at a pulpit!

They are a blind guide, and they are leading people to fall into the same pit that they are walking towards.

They are, in other words, leading people away from the kingdom and not toward it - out of blessing and not into it - and they should be avoided at all costs.

Excerpt from:
The Christian Manifesto
Alistair Begg
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