The Gospel According to Vic Hall

Spiritual or Earthy?? You be the judge.
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Faith Hopegood
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The Gospel According to Vic Hall

Post by Faith Hopegood »

The Gospel According to Vic

What are the main beliefs the Christian Fellowship group claims to differentiate itself from all other Christian churches?

From my 20 years of experience in the fellowship, it was the claim:
1) "we have a special word that has been revealed to us that has not been revealed to other churches" and
2) "we have a special revelation of the administration" and
3) "we have a special relationship between the brethren (leaders) that other christian churches do not".

In addition to these foundational beliefs it is Vic Hall who makes the main claim that he has been given "special" revelations and visitations from God.

With the CF/RFI, the whole basis of what sets them apart from the rest of Christianity is that they believe they have a special revelation that no other part of Christendom has. The effect of having such as belief is that is creates a hook where an ungodly spirit of pride and a religious spirit enter their world view and actions and consequently completely blinds them to the truth of the main biblical message. This blinding spirit also allows the CF leadership and congregation to commit terrible atrocities against people, marriages and families with a misguided belief that they are doing Gods will, even though blind Freddy can see that their actions are completely against what is taught in the main bible including the four Gospels.

Speaking of the four main scriptural gospels, did you know that there are other gospels that were deemed not divinely inspired, not in harmony with the main four gospels, and thus left out of what we know as the New Testament? Examples are the The Gospel of Thomas and The Gospel of Judas Iscariot.

Did you know that the opening lines of The Gospel of Thomas and The Gospel of Judas Iscariot state:
Extract from the Gospel of Thomas
"These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas recorded. "
Extract from Gospel of Judas Iscariot
"The secret account of the revelation that Jesus spoke in conversation with Judas Iscariot during a week three days before he celebrated Passover."

Can you see the similarity in claims between the discarded heretical Gospels of Thomas and Judas Iscariot and the foundational beliefs of the Christian Fellowship that were and are espoused by Vic Hall?

In truth, the CF group does not really have a special relationship among the brethren (elders). The reality of the fact is that Vic Hall sits as top leader and all the other elders who think they are equal in Vic actually sit in the next level down the food chain. If you want proof of this, just have a look at what happens when one of the elders who thinks they speak and act on equal terms with Vic tries to tell Vic that his teachings are in error or that Vic needs a little correction. Very quickly you find out the truth, and these elders are given the right boot of fellowship out the door - examples are Raymond Guyatt and Steven Hall. Ray told Vic he was doing wrong teachings and got his marching orders right out the gate never to return whilst Steven Hall was stood down from duties with "stress" and the congregation was told not to contact him for a time.

In summary, Vic Hall and the other CF elders have led all the Christian Fellowship congregation members down the path of wrong and heretical teaching of Gnosticism. Instead of focusing on the redeeming love and salvation of Christ and main bible message, Vic Hall has focused and developed a whole false theology based upon erroneous prideful gnostic principles which is demonstrated by the nearly incomprehensible constant stream of pamphlets and booklets published by the CF printing house. If Vic Halls principles are divinely inspired then there would be no trouble having these teaching examined by the wider church. Of course this does not happen and any time Vic's teachings are examined thoroughly, they are quickly shown to be in error.

If you need proof just have a look at the fruit and actions of these false teachers. They actively promote shunning and trigger pride in people, they actively break up marriages and families forbidding wives to see Christian husbands, forbidding sons and daughters to see fathers and parents. The other proof of bad fruit is the anger that flows out when elders yell and scream at people who have confronted them about their destructive ways. That is their fruit. Other proof is that the Christian Fellowship does not follow what is known in the bible as "The Great Commission".
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Re: The Gospel According to Vic Hall

Post by robocop »

Thanks Faith - very well put...
Boundary Rider
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Re: The Gospel According to Vic Hall

Post by Boundary Rider »

Hi Faith,
When you say: ---
"What are the main beliefs the Christian Fellowship group claims to differentiate itself from all other Christian churches?

From my 20 years of experience in the fellowship, it was the claim:
1) "we have a special word that has been revealed to us that has not been revealed to other churches" and
2) "we have a special revelation of the administration" and
3) "we have a special relationship between the brethren (leaders) that other christian churches do not".

In addition to these foundational beliefs it is Vic Hall who makes the main claim that he has been given "special" revelations and visitations from God."
--- you have clearly defined what has happened to the CFs and RFI under Victor John Hall as a modern Gnostic takeover. This process of Gnostic Heresy has plagued the Christian Church even from before Paul's death around 63/65 AD and for the first 150 years of the Christian era. Throughout the time since, this Gnosticism keeps coming back in various forms and in the Twentieth Century to now has sadly been strongly linked to the Charismatic Revival and Pentecostalism.

In Vic's case it is a multiple mix of heresies including the teaching of William Offiler and the Bethel Temple Movement ( R.J. Jackson's "The Move") , The North Battleford Revival, the Gospel of Wealth, and the "Shepherding Movement". It is the Shepherding Movement and Vic's aberration of it which drives the way Vic and his elder messengers inflict their control over the people of the Christian Fellowships in Restoration Fellowships International which you have clearly described.

So to sum it up in my characteristically terse fashion ... Victor John Hall is the Master Gnostic Heretic driving his elder/Shepherds to enslave the congregations to his and their will and "special revelation and connection to God" rather than setting them free in the love of Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit to enable them. They are a coven of heretics spreading Vic's heretical teaching, masquerading as "angels (aggelos messengers) of light.

Lord deliver the good people of the Christian Fellowships from this monstrous pantomime of "spiritual outpouring."

BR .... back in the saddle, bruised but unbowed.
Boundary Rider
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Re: The Gospel According to Vic Hall

Post by Boundary Rider »

Just to add to Vic's multiple list of heresies based on "Special Revelation" are these three more: ---
1. The distortion of the Quest for Holiness in "Unto Perfection" which borders on the notion of sinless perfection for God's elect
2. The faithful being "Priests after the order of Melchizedek", especially Vic and the elders as the aggelos messengers of this teaching, conveniently denying the priesthood of all believers taught by Paul in Romans
3. The Gospel of Sonship, which is a recent rage doctrine among Pentecostal fringe dwellers (and definitely NOT a special revelation to Vic).

Heresy is essentially "False teaching" and the seven examples highlighted in V.J. Hall's " special Word" definitely fit that meaning. False teaching can also arise from distorted versions of Old Testament practices associated with Israel and the Temple as if they are still binding on Christians. This effectively denies that the death of Jesus fulfilled the Old Law at the heart of the Old Testament, making it of no effect and its rites and practices no longer binding on those called Christians. In relation to giving in the life of the early Christian Church those Old Testament teachings of tithes and offerings were replaced by communal giving based on need of the brethren, not on propping up a priestly class. The destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem by Titus in 70 AD sealed the death knell on the power of the Old Testament on the lives of Christian believers, and it was only when, in the 4th Century, that Christianity became the official religion of Rome that the old need to support a priestly class came back and supplanted the practice of communal giving characteristic of the Christians at Pentecost and thereafter.

In the CFs and RFI this distortion towards error is notable in the justification of tithes and offerings as mandatory on believers as a way of getting maximum income from CFers which allows those 'on the tithe' and higher up the food chain to live very comfortable lives with minimal taxation, exploiting the status of RFI as a religious, not-for-profit, tax exempt charitable organisation .... hardly consistent with Jesus' ministry of itinerant poverty.

Go figure................. :roll:

Boundary Rider
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Re: The Gospel According to Vic Hall

Post by Boundary Rider »

...... and where would any of this be without the biggest Gnostic Lie of all ..... "Present Truth" ?????????????? :oops:

This binds all of Vic's Gnostic heresies together.

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Re: The Gospel According to Vic Hall

Post by robocop »

Thank you B.R. - Wonderful to have you back in our midst. Do hope you are feeling much better.
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Re: The Gospel According to Vic Hall

Post by guest »

I keep coming back to this thread...again and again. Thank you Faith and thank you Boundry Rider for putting out the truth of vic's false gospel in such a succinct way.

I found an old copy of Upon This Rock published in 1999. In the preface, Vic gives his "testimony" on that day/night of his visit with Jesus. Comparing his testimony from then to now, (Boundry Rider included vics recent testimony from the steps of salvation books, and adds some amazing truth comments) it's unreal how different they are. Back then, Christ had no form, now he's a short little Jewish man! Not only that, but as BR points out in his post, everything from the lampstand to soup to nuts has either changed, embellished upon or cut out completely. He mentions Raymond Gyatt in the introduction and said he kept on ministering despite his old age.

The book goes on to explain about heresies, gnostic gospels, communion, etc. Everything he lists as false gospels and overall bad juju, is the very things he is doing in the church right now. I will do my best to get some pages copied here as I would love to hear what you all think.
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Re: The Gospel According to Vic Hall

Post by guest »

I listened to vic bring one of his oldy, moldy words today. Of course, he trotted out the same old carp he's been spouting since 'Unto Perfection". While talking about this new revelation, (ala The Elijah (gospel) Ministry..... or go back several years to the Gospel of headship, gospel of sonship, gospel of vicship,blah, blah, blah........whatever the old bugger trots out in his curious, arrogant, snorting way, the sheeple seem to eat it up. Personally, I'm sick of it!

I pray for you all to see the truth. Or, at least 'consider' (that was big one back in the day) that the faint rumblings of a very hurt man/woman may perhaps be speaking the truth. Continue to bury your head and fail to bring what is in your heart and you will be ready for the xcf. Vic speak say's
you must be illuminated to the word. And the only way to illumination is to never ask, never question, make yourself available at ALL times. If you're having a heart attack while your wife is having a baby, so what! Big deal! Put your big boy/girl undies on and step up.

A month or so ago in one of his 'I'm just a normal person for pities sake'...just like you..As the kicker, he comes out to confess he and his poor, pitiful, decrepit, shriveled up wife, Lorraine, did not have a first fruits house after all! After professing perfection in first fruits, vic was set straight. I'm sure Jesus apologized for forgetting to fill him in on that part of the deal.

In today's snore fest, he played the good doctor again. Stating 80% of the people going to Dr's complaining of depression, anxiety and especially fibromyalgia, (along with any other physical/mental malady) are only experiencing the thoughts of their own imagination. In other words, it's all psychosomatic. No one is really ill, they just think they are. If only they would become obedient (not compliant, lol) to everything vic say's, (not does! Big difference!) then every ache, pain, headache, backache, migraine, heart attack, stroke, explosive diarrhea and fluctuance, would be taken away and healed by the great snake oil salesman (who once again is much, much smarter than you and anyone you know! And please don't forget it!) from the Samford swamp. Creature of the Samford Lagoon.....
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Re: The Gospel According to Vic Hall

Post by guest »

By the way....I love you all here. Thank you for your faith, strength, truth and encouragement. At times, I forget to pray and thank GOD for the many, many blessings in my life. I do not want my distaste of vic to any longer keep me from praising Christ. I've given him a lot over the years....stood up for him when others were calling foul. Since I'm a natural, cynical, exploring person however, once I decided to filter through all the truth's (of what others who had been going through) and the lie's I had been fed by the "gifted, graced Presbrey in the right hand of Christ," things became so very clear.

Again, many, many prayers and well wishes to everyone here. All of you brave enough to express your hurts, your truth, your heart. I'll leave this at that as I don't want to get to vile while thinking and writing about xcf.
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Re: The Gospel According to Vic Hall

Post by guest »

I think it's quite ironic that his vicsterness quoted chapter 5 of James in his waste of time speaking to the 'chosen ones. It really speaks for itself as a clear example of gaslighting. In other words; "Look at all these other churches out there walking in destruction. We don't do these vile things (mentioned by Jame) that other churches, we count our money in secret. No one needs to know what Christ's anointed (Vic only) do with the tithes and offerings. My boat may need a new motor, but I'll only tell you that to belittle you or keep you in your place.

James Chapter 5
Jas 5:1  Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. 
Jas 5:2  Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. 
Jas 5:3  Your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure in the last days. 
Jas 5:4  Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. 
Jas 5:5  You have lived on the earth in luxury and in self-indulgence. You have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter. 
Jas 5:6  You have condemned and murdered the righteous person. He does not resist you. 

Hello David Falk!???
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