The switcheroos at MCF/BCF

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Paul Kovaks
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The switcheroos at MCF/BCF

Post by Paul Kovaks »

It's amazing that cults can change their message at all and still be believed.

I mean, its because they are so dogmatic. And then change their message? What? Hello!

But MCF/BCF made an art form of that from the mid 1990s. It was incredible.

In the 1990s we had this crazy ultra-legalistic, debilitating, destructive word on 'family order' and women submitting to husbands (and men to elders).

Then suddenly, in the mid-2000s they admitted that women need to be given room and not dictated to. Given their own 'sanctification'. Of course it's what we had all previously believed!

And the leaders started saying that, actually, your kids probably know better, what career or musical instrument they would prefer. And maybe even us men! And VIc Hall preaches - I kid you not - 'how silly, of elders to dictate the minutiae of men's lives'. But that's all they preached for the previous 10 years! So what does that say about the role the place was playing? No role except misleading because that's ALL they taught. They effectively reversed the last 10 years.

All without apology for the harm and waste of our lives. Almost making out it was our fault!

I hate that despicable MCF/BCF spirit.

How sick a place you are.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: The switcheroos at MCF/BCF

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Thanks for the post Paul. Yes you are spot on with your observations.

Of course your post highlights the issue of what MCF/BCF actually believe and what their actual theology is, if they could be so adamant in the 1990's and 2000's that what they were preaching "was directly from God by the messenger/elder" and couldn't be questioned in any way or off to hell for you.

This little speech by Vic proves that MCF/BCF don't have a really solid foundation of what they believe but rather they just make it up and change it when it suits them. In particular, Vic changes what they believe and preach in order to maintain control. The reasoning and motivation behind this current change is not to ensure BCF/MCF is preaching the correct and true Word of God, but to maintain control and congregation numbers (and of course the money stream).

This is no different to the principle used by kings for millennia called "ruling by Divine Right". This was when a kings word was law and the king could rule as he pleased and change his mind as his mood took him.

Any group of people claiming to be a church or be taken seriously as preaching Gods word can't be changeable like this - Gods word doesn't change.
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Re: The switcheroos at MCF/BCF

Post by robocop »

The reasoning and motivation behind this current change is not to ensure BCF/MCF is preaching the correct and true Word of God, but to maintain control and congregation numbers (and of course the money stream).
So true Faith - strange how little memories drift into our thoughts when we least expect them. I was just going about my daily business recently and suddenly this little image came into my thoughts. Could see Vic Hall standing up at pulpit berrating the congregation about Tithing and the perils of not Tithing on your GROSS WAGE. These particular sermons were wheeled out when it seems the budget wasn't doing so well, and needed a 'Top Up'.

It was all so calculated and controlling, and nothing to do with what God's will might be.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: The switcheroos at MCF/BCF

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Yes, I too remember those sermons Robocop!

I imagine with the current parlous state of reduced BCF congregation numbers statewide and the associated drop in cold hard cash, Pope Victor the Great, will be preaching these sermons with gusto! Perhaps there will also be sermons on First Fruits giving, Heave Offering giving, Double Tithing just to take us on a fond walk down memory lane.

Can't afford the high electricity bill? Troubles with saving enough money for car rego? No worries! Just give a generous First Fruits offering on your credit card and everything will be sweet.

Do you remember how the elders use to preach they were worthy of a "double portion blessing" just like the Old Testament Prophet Elijah!
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