Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by Dexter »

The Narcissist's War with God: How they Pretend to Love God but Covet His Position


0:00 - Introduction
4:02 - What is a Religious Narcissist?
5:21 - #1 - The First Way that a Narcissist is at War with God is that they Want to Take God's Role and Position in People' Lives
7:52 - #2 - The second way that a Narcissist is a War with God is that they make God in their own image rather than conforming their image to God's
13:05 - #3 - The third way that a Narcissist is a War with God is that they want the worship that is meant for God alone.
15:04 - How God calls these leaders false shepherds and false prophets
15:51 - What the Bible Says about the religious narcissistic spirit
17:29 - How can you know if you are in the presence of a religious narcissist? What to look for.

About the author:
Hi! I’m Shaneen Megji. It seems my whole life has prepared me to do the work I am so passionate about today. Let’s just say I had to swim in narcissistic waters for many years, in workplace scenarios, in my previous faith as a Muslim, in friendships, and even in the church. God truly doesn’t waste anything. Each and every experience and all the studies I have done help me in my passion to set people free from the bondage and oppression of narcissistic relationships, to help survivors of such pain regain their authentic selves and their hope in God’s good plans for them, and to re-educate the church around toxic leadership.
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Boundary Rider
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by Boundary Rider »

Another good one, Dexter!!! ;)

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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by guest »

Not sure if this link has already been posted, but here are three signs you might be working for a narcissistic leader.

Brief Summary

Sign 1 - "I am the One"
They are in it for their own personal enrichment. They will use many "I" statements, e.g., "I did all these good things...", "I have a big vision...", and "I am the one who has a close connection to God..."

Sign 2 - What you do is never enough
There is a constant state of guilt. Communication is about how we need to do better. People always have to do more to ward off some terrible thing happening. People get blamed for things going wrong that could not possibly be their fault. People always end up feeling like they are not enough. You're drained of all energy when you're in the same physical space. People sometimes even end up self-gaslighting.

Sign 3 - You're asked to do things that leave you feeling uncomfortable
The uncomfortable things might have to do with ethics or shadiness, or it might just be many little things, but one day, you realise these things you've been asked to do will come back to bite... It's kind of like death by 1000 cuts. Unethical things often start slowly and then get worse and worse.
Faith Hopegood
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Thank you Dexter and Guest for posting those videos.

Guest - those three Signs that you posted there as a Brief Summary are excellent.

Each one of those three Signs gets an affirmative tick for Christian Fellowship behaviour - that was certainly my personal experience.

The logical conclusion to this is that all, and I mean ALL, the victims of the Christian Fellowship churches are victims of narcissistic abuse at some level. Some lucky people might have just attended once or a few times and then decided the CF experience wasn't for them - well done!
However, others have either been sucked into the narcissistic hell-hole that is the Christian Fellowship or were born into the cult. Either way, these people are like the frog that is gradually boiled in the water. They are all to some degree victims of narcissism and their life experience and personalities are negative effected and will require extensive healing.

This also raises the question of the leaders within the Christian Fellowship. Vic Hall is the chief narcissist and he covers his evil work with his smooth quasi American accent, his use of big words to baffle people with BS, and his smooth manner and greasy smile. Intuitively he knows how to play and use people. Also, the leaders he recruits or trains by definition are either narcissists themselves, have these tendencies or are gradually trained in the boiling pot.

The lack of empathy, the sheer cruel and unrepentant destructive anti-christian anti-social behaviour are just some of their fruits.

If you need proof, lets look at the three points above:

1. "I am the One" - I don't think there is any argument here - Vic has preached numerous times how he has received profound visits from God and Jesus whilst the rest of the congregation presumably haven't had any visits.

2. What you do is never enough - this is the subtle and not-so subtle focus of preaching, sermons, bible studies and personal counselling delivered throughout the CF group - it is consistently inward looking. Church programs are so packed and so busy to keep people near the point of exhaustion - working at their day jobs, volunteer working at the cult several times a week, attendance at bible studies, Sunday meetings, working bees etc etc. All with the twist of salvation by works and continued works plus a good dose of guilt to control

3 - You are asked to do things that are uncomfortable - the closer you get to the centre of the web of deceit and the centre of power, the more this is relevant. Certainly reports from people who formerly attended Toowoomba will confirm that the ethics and things people were asked to do were shady and unethical. Whether it be building the "farm shed" as the church building, running an illegal cattle feed lot to stink out the neighbours, or driving with illegal agricultural wide loads to service Falks Farms, shady stuff occurred, the laws of the land were overlooked or encouraged to be considered as "optional extras".

No doubt there are similar stories from other CF Centres of power exist as well.

One thread that is consistent across all the CF centres is the love of money by the CF power brokers and their efforts to fleece the flock of their money - whether it is sacking other leaders and elders from other regional CF centres in order to take control over valuable land, or using the threat of Ananias and Saphira against individuals who sold houses to ensure a congregation member is milked of every last cent possible, this is a common activity from the CF play book. Sold a house and made a gain? - pay a tithe, receive an inheritance from your dead aunt? - pay a tithe. Setting up a business? pay a tithe, plus a first fruits offering and a heave offering to ensure you nail God down to making sure you business is a success. And for good measure to twist Gods arm up behind his back, pay a double tithe!! so God will bless you in your business. Does this sound familiar?
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by guest »

Yes, very familiar.

The language used to justify all these corrupt activities is heretical but you can’t question or argue against the elders!!!

Again, The language used to abuse men, women and children is not Christian. It is utterly shameful. To use the word ‘love’ to justify shunning anyone is sinful.

Remember how mystical the language sounded when we joined this group? Why didn’t we heed the warnings then?

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is found in the simplicity of faith, hope and love .

If anyone is reading this and has doubts, - ‘Leave Now.’
Don’t wait for more harm and abuse to be perpetrated.
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by Dexter »

... the ethics and things people were asked to do were shady and unethical.
I recently discovered that I was unwittingly involved in illegal activities at a particular xCF. I was too naive to question any of it at the time.
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by guest »

There are many parallels between the JWs, and CF churches. Here is a 15 minute, video by a Christian lady sharing her experience of visiting a JW conference. I was particularly amused by what JWs call “new light”, which they often hear at their yearly conventions. Sound familiar?
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by Dexter »

guest wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:15 pm There are many parallels between the JWs, and CF churches. Here is a 15 minute, video by a Christian lady sharing her experience of visiting a JW conference. I was particularly amused by what JWs call “new light”, which they often hear at their yearly conventions. Sound familiar?
I prefer this “New Light”:
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Re: Cult-Like Narcissistic Systems

Post by guest »

And another video worth checking out if you have a spare 7 mins.
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