Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Spiritual or Earthy?? You be the judge.
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by guest »

Great summary of flying monkeys. Can I indulge in asking a few rhetorical questions? Does that sound like the pattern of leadership style in xCF leadership team? Leaders doing the dirty work and then eventually being discarded if they stop providing narcissistic supply? I’d say there are decades of evidence.
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by Stargazer »

There are Monkeys flying all over the place at MCF, falling over themselves to make the corrupt leaders happy. In the days of communion(long before the agape meal was invented by Vichead) It came to my attention that a loyal Flying Monkey was given the order to “take communion away from ……. As she was preaching the gospel to the local community”….”she needs to come under submission”….. Now the elder in charge of this beautiful 85 year old lady didn’t want to do the physical act of being the ass to have to walk up to her in front of the WHOLE church congregation… oh No…. He have the order to one of the plebs down the social totem pole to carry out the cruel and VERY UNGODLY act. This Flying Monkey was a nervous wreck but he carried out orders to perfection for the leadership team. To ALL the elders/presbytery/ star messengers or whatever other made up name you call yourselves YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES… lord I pray that the scales be taken away from their eyes and be healed of this controlling rot and lies. May she rest in peace now
Faith Hopegood
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by Faith Hopegood »

Thank you for detailing, exposing and bringing this dreadful act into the public light Stargazer.

And herein lies the heart of the CF doctrine exposed.
1) The CF does not preach the gospel to the community at large - they are certainly not the shining light in a dark world which Christ called us to be in Mark 4:21 and Matthew 5:16. - The CF are doing the opposite of the Great Commission and are being introverted, secret, and covering their light - all in the name of control. This alone should be a huge warning flag signal to any both in the Christian Fellowship and any person thinking of joining them.

2) “She needs to come under submission…” - herein lies the second evil nature of the Christian Fellowship. The CF pope, elders and leaders are absolutely prepared to squash and destroy any person who is spreading the good news of Christs redemptive story in order to have a win or gain control over that persons time, resources, mind and money. They will make up stories, tell lies, gossip and slander to back up their wicked ungodly actions.

3) The Flying Monkeys and the cowardice of the pope, elders and leaders. If the elder in question was a true man and a true leader, he would have had the nads to deal with this himself. No. Instead, he delegates the job, presumbably to a equally cowardly lieutenant to do the dirty work. Can anyone see the similarities between the mafia dons and the operation of a gang here? Where is the christian graciousness, love, respect and consideration in this matter? There is none - because any leader at any level in the Christian Fellowship has had their conscience and character seared with a hot blade long ago in order for them to remain in their positions. Just like the demonic Flying Monkeys, they willingly and unquestionably carry out the instructions and word of their dark leader - Victor Hall - Pope of the Christian Fellowship.

4) The Christian Pub Test - excuse me mixing the words “Christian” and “Pub” but I think you will understand why. Any person with even a vague knowledge of Christianity and a basic cursory reading of the New Testament bible will know that the actions of these MCF elders and leaders do not pass the Christian Pub test! It is outrageous and yet the people in the congregation have such scales over their eyes and are drugged with a spiritual stupor that they will willing accept any form of abuse in the name of submission and obedience to Christian Fellowship leaders. And this gets back to another post I did - not one of the current CF leaders has any proper christian theological training, in any form - and thus they are completely blind as to the dreadful group behaviour that exists in all the Christian Fellowship groups.
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by Dexter »

Sorry, I might be a bit slow. What's the Christian Pub test?
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by Seeker »

Faith, Stargazer, Dexter and all who post.....again, my heart felt thank you to all of you. In addition to absolutely NO proper training or schooling for xcf preachers. Everything they will EVER know is contained in the 189 books Vic wrote this month. When one is deemed ready to teach, they have to recite the commands of sir vic....1. Obedience 2. Obedience 3. Administration 4. Proper Headship order (Vic is equal with Father, Son & Holy Spirit) 5. Unquestioned obedience to Lord/Pope/Guv/Victorino.

I was so blessed (not!) to hear a word salad (Love that expression! THanks BreakFree!) from the man himself....yes, the great Victorino...God Father of the RFI gang hiding behind a 'church' moniker in order to bilk the government out of millions of dollars a year. I mean, if the Falkster could pull down a coll $750,000 a year out of the poor Towoomba faithful, just imagine how much Vic slugs away each year as the head of all things rfi/xcf .....since all finances are well hidden by the power that be, no one will ever know the sheer amount of money this cult leader has hidden away over the years.

Anyway, this word salad is showing how Vic is starting to lose it......age and health catching up with him. Thankfully, his blah, blah flub ups sound just like his regular spiel.....lots of talk about the gospel, other gospels, false gospels, etc but never once...NEVER ONCE did he mention Jesus....or the gospel of Jesus. How people can sit through an hour of his turgid (swollen, inflated, overblown...just like vic!) drivel.

It's all about guilt and shame.....and, as he said today, the only ones getting to heaven are those obedient to the husband/wife (Stepford wife) headship edict, (just remember, vic is always, ALWAYS!! #1).....have first fruit homes, (open home to traveling elders.. feeding, lodging, delivery, and then they must be members in good standing of THE ONE, THE ONLY,....YES, IT's THE LAMPSTAND CHURCH of Sir Vic!

Now, sir Vic is taking about people in China being killed then coming back to life....the exanistatious right now. Apparently, according to vic, there are many people killed 160 years ago walking around in China completing the work Vic (oops, GOD!) has/had for them.

This is all in his new best seller on the Aussie Times, "The Father Takes His Seat".....oh yes, he just called women dumb! He said "xcf has the word....it's a huge word, but many here are not buying it! It's the word of present truth.....Oh boy, gotta stop now before I throw up.
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by BreakFree »

On the matter of Finances.
I know that in SCF the money was invested into realestate. A few of the top inner circle managed quite large realestate portfolios. I heard rumors about off shore accounts but could not verify this.
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by Thanomere84 »

Breakfree, on the matter of offshore accounts, the truth is, I don't know if Vic has any real offshore bank accounts, but my former church, ICC, has a hefty bank account, and Vic is known to request equally hefty amounts of money to be withdrawn from said account, for the "RFI Needs Fund". Having seen the RFI evil for what it is, I know EXACTLY what the "Needs Fund" is all about.

It is, plain and simple, clear and concise, TO SATISFY VIC "THE VICIOUS HALL" HALL'S NEEDS.

"I need a new boat. While I'm at it, I think I could need a new set of wheels on the road too. And to add to that, my house needs some touch-ups on the side and the compound needs a new BBQ grill. Hmm, and since I'm at it, I believe I need a vacation to New Zealand or Papua New Guinea to come up with some new hogwash to push to the gullible masses!"

So yeah, Vic does have people willing to push money to him even overseas - tragic, but true.
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by Stargazer »

The financial apple doesn’t fall far from the Master of Puppets himself old Broer Jackson. Embezzling tithes money from the congregation. After his death, $220 k was found under his mattress!! The current church is built on rotten fruit… Vic had a great teacher in financial matters!
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by BreakFree »

I used to hate the messages every YA summit where we were pressured to "give generously for our brothers in PNG so they could come and attend the meetings". To add the extra layer of guilt we were then told how they had to travel 7 days by foot just to be able to get to the airport. I don't ever remember actually seeing people from PNG.

the loss of finances is something I have struggled with. The amount of money that was poured into CF under the belief we were serving God. Its a double blow as well because I still bleed money on mental health support because of CF. I don't have any great pearls of wisdom on how to deal with these feelings of resentment other than I just try to focus on what's important now, my family and my freedom
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Re: Everything you need to know about Lampstand Churches™

Post by Thanomere84 »

Breakfree, I've seen at least one guy from PNG - his name was Liuaki Taufa. A nice man, mild-mannered... but his trip to BCF where I encountered him was in the late 90s - before Vic "the Vicious Hall" Hall went full psycho. Liuaki was the only one though, I didn't see any other PNG-ians at BCF.
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